Friday 16 November 2012

My Institution Logo

As my institution logo has been created for a film trailer, I thought I could incorporate something relating to a film in the logo, which would 'connect all the dots.'
I decided as i am creating a horror film trailer, I should turn the background black, as this makes the logo look darker and slightly more horrifying.


After turning the background black I had to think of a name for my institution logo. As the image in the logo was a film reel I decided to use a homophone in my logo to add an afect on the audience. By switching the words 'Film Reel' to 'Reel Film' it sounds like 'Real Film'.

The text on the logo is smooth, looking like it has been writen using a fountain pen. This makes the the logo look safer. With the writing white, it contrasts with the black background. this makes the reel and the text stick out and makes it nore eye-catching.

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