The genre of my proposed main media product is horror. I have chosen this genre as I enjoy watching horror films. I find horror films creative and can grab the audience’s attention and make them intrigued by what they are watching. This is done through the use of sound, mise en scene, camera shots and angles and how each shot and scene is edited together. Other types of media products I have chosen to create are; a web site advertising the film using my trailer, giving information to an audience viewing the web page and photos of the cast in costume, promoting the film. I will also make a poster advertising my film, which will show the audience what they can expect when going to see the film. This will be one image that gives as much detail as possible, without over informing an audience with too much information. this should be done so that a viewer can look at the poster to see the main image; catching their eye, then turn away and want to look back in order to find out more.
The target audience for my trailer, web site and poster will be for anyone over the age of 15. I have chosen this because most horror films have a certificate of 15 or over. This means that I am losing a small amount of an audience who are younger than 15 but this is important as it shows my intended audience that the film must be for a more mature audience and must be horrifying to a younger audience, thus having and intended affect to an older audience making them want to see the film, I hope my trailer will interact with the audience and also have the intended effect on them, to scare and shock them. This is why having a younger audience would not be appropriate.
There are many products that are similar to what I want to achieve. These include:
Web pages
These are the web sites I may research and review.
Saw 3D Teaser Trailer
The Ring Teaser Trailer
Dead awake Teaser Trailer
The Last Exorcism Trailer
Paranormal Activity 2 Teaser Trailer
I will choose 3 of these trailers to research and review.

These are the posters
I want to research and review.
The reason why I will enjoy creating my trailer, poster and
web site is because I enjoy watching trailers, looking at posters, and
exploring web pages to find as much detail as possible in order to know about
up and coming films that I may want to go and see. I want to make a trailer
that could be good enough to use when making a film. I am naturally interested
in creating movies and trailer anyway but am inspired by how creative each
trailer is and how different they are, even if they have similar plots.
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